Get comprehensive reports with property data analytics.
Property reporting and analytics
Gain better insights about your property management business
SOFT4RealEstate provides real-time data analytics. Analyze your data from different sources all-in-one place by territories, buildings, sites, or units as well as detailed rent, lease status, sales and financial reports.
Get all the data easily with statistic tools
Reporting module allows you to enjoy pre-designed reports in SOFT4RealEstate and Power BI: an Area-Contract Analysis report, Revenue Forecast report, Revenue Comparison report, Lease Expiration report and others. Use real estate data analytics as well as a set of data sources for building custom reports with external tools.

See our features
Create a multilevel unit structure and keep track of unit area changes. Add assets to units, upload pictures, floor maps, add notes and save links related to a specific unit or property directly.
Store tenant data: company information, contact information, personal data (as per GDPR requirements), bank accounts. Track due invoices, debts and payments.
Save time creating lease contracts on your branded templates with all the contract data filled in automatically, set up various pricing rules; add multiple services or lease units to one contract, set reminders on contract expiration date. Attach all the related lease documents to the Lease Contract Card to have all data in one place.
Control fees for maintenance, heating, water supply, electricity, security etc. Set up meters, track meter readings and save your time on calculating Common Area Maintenance fees based on the rules set up in the system.
Solve property maintenance issues efficiently. Track customer requests and plan your maintenance work, create work orders, set up appointment times and assign them to your employees.
Create a recurring maintenance schedule (assets inspection, elevator checks, other periodic activities).
Grant tenants access to the web portal where they can check their contract details, input work orders and track their status, download invoices and see payment history.
Create invoices for the entire properties, or just for specific services/tenants/lease units based on charges calculated. Send out invoices automatically in PDF by email or paper invoices by mail to the tenants.
Benefit from integrated financial accounting: create complete building, unit, lease, and tenant records to invoice your clients and manage overdue debts.
Keep track of existing clients and new sales opportunities with real estate Microsoft Dynamics CRM software.
Winning customers choose SOFT4RealEstate