Manage and oversee any and every transaction, contract and task, related to your office space with office management software. When it comes to office space and tenant management, SOFT4RealEstate has you covered!

Smooth financial management is basis to successful property management. SOFT4RealEstate property management accounting software is built on Microsoft Dynamics Business Central platform which provides rich financial functionality. Moreover, SOFT4RealEstate extends the Microsoft Dynamics Business Central financial management system with functions that handle the needs of property management companies.
Register Tenant’s requests and queries for repair, renovation, maintenance, and other similar type of tasks. Using work order module easily track customers’ requests, create work orders, assign responsible employees. Review and schedule work orders and appointments’ dates.
Setup meters, build their structure and track meter readings. Assign multiple lease units to one or several meters; set different allocations to distribute those amounts and use import/export for posting the consumption.
Plan and track maintenance works. Assign tasks to a person in charge or create a recurring maintenance schedule for such works as assets inspection, elevator/AC checks, etc.; and keep track of assets maintenance history.
Save time spent on communication with the tenants and use automated actions: let the tenants fill in work orders request, submit turnovers and check their contracts’ information, invoices and payments online. Manage tenants’ redirection to responsible parties, while providing with relevant contacts for certain queries.
This feature allows invoices to be created based on charges calculated and sent out automatically to the tenants. With real estate billing software it is possible to create them all at once, for separate properties, or just for specific services/tenants/lease units.