Microsoft Dynamics property management software advantages over competing software

Microsoft Dynamics is a well-known versatile business solution that allows to consolidate ERP and CRM systems into one database. It offers the user-friendly interface of familiar MS Office applications together with access to the most advanced features, necessary for a business. If you were to look at real estate management, MS Dynamics-based software is amongst the most popular choices. But what are the exact benefits of the Microsoft Dynamics property management software and how it’s better than its competitors? Let’s find out!
A familiar interface
According to statistics, close to 94% of all users prioritise convenience and comprehensiveness of user interface as the most significant factor which sways their choice towards one or the other application. This means that Microsoft Suite applications have a head-start on most other platforms because so many users are familiar with the layout and the interface. Thanks to Excel, Word, Outlook and many other popular applications, customers have an easier time adapting to Microsoft Dynamics or other MS Dynamics-based software.
Microsoft Dynamics can bring a familiar look for every task and for every project in your company. By choosing designated software, clients can seek wholesome and versatile solutions that have integrated tools which provide a lot of functionality at your fingertips.
Microsoft Dynamics 365– real time data features are heads and shoulders above the competition
When it comes to tailor-made and highly versatile software solutions, Microsoft is one of the go-to companies. The products that they make offer the most functionality and most organised as well as modern solutions to problems.
By implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 management, every business can get up to 15 times the returns in comparison to their initial investment. Property managers are able to setup the app in the way which they want to. Since the interface is so familiar, you can take advantage of even the most advanced features without too much worries. There are many compatible apps that you can subscribe to, in order to enhance the performance, but most significant third-party plug-ins offer real-time data gathering and analysis. By using this data, managers and executives can make the most profitable decisions, see problem areas, streamline various tasks and know which sectors need more resources or attention.
When compared with the functionality of its rivals, the MS Dynamics suite has more integrated features and much more third-party tools to work with.
Sign and manage documents digitally and instantly
Far too many organisations deal with outdated software on a daily basis. In the last 7-10 years, there have been so many rapid advancements in technology and software, that you need to think about upgrading if you haven’t already.
Most modern-day software solutions for business offer a wider array of features and functions to help out businesses in need. When it comes to property management, one of the major headaches is the requirement to sign many lease agreements, rent contracts as well as other documents. Printing out copies every time is not only wasteful but time consuming as well. Luckily, high-end MS Dynamics-based management software has the integrated feature to allow for digital document signing. Put the digital signature to virtual paper in order approve contracts or documents.
Furthermore, every user of the application can generate invoices with a single click. Create PDF files for all of your tenants or print out physical copies to send via regular post. Everything is centralised and accountants can do their job within a centralised system as opposed to doing everything in MS Excel and delivering documents to executives, reuploading them and then sending to the client. It’s much simpler with dedicated software solutions!
Top of the range visual fidelity with every Microsoft Dynamics feature
Visual aids and visual fidelity are features that are highly undervalued for business software. Who says that only mass-consumer products and mass-consumer software should be user-friendly. But since we already established that the UI of MS Dynamics property management software is great, we should also highlight the enormous amount of visual-aids and visually responsive tools for business management.
For example, Microsoft Dynamics can become a lot easier thanks to colour-coding, interactive charts, highlighted data points, maps and reports. Such features pay off in the long-run by making the jobs of your staff much easier.
CRM & ERP built in one
Microsoft Dynamics software is sort of a blend between the best ERP and CRM systems that the business world has to offer. It’s a centralised database and very versatile, swiss-knife-like software tool that businesses of all sizes and spheres could benefit from.
Features like customer relationship management, tendency tracking, notes about clients and dedicated schedules can help teams follow up, manage relationships better and track most important data about a particular client. Thanks to a layout that’s easy to understand, dedicated staff members can add more value by communicating with your clients about really relevant issues and tailor the system to suit the needs of your staff.
For example, real estate/property managers can use this software to not just manage customer-data, but to arrange maintenance, sign contracts, etc. It also works from both ends which means that clients can use the self-service system to log on from another end to manage payments or view updates.
Mall, office building, industrial or other property managers can take full advantage of these multi-purpose application suites that just reign supreme over rival competitions which are usually much less versatile.
To sum up
In short, the Microsoft Dynamics-based business software is very sophisticated and ready to tackle any challenge that comes in the way of its users. This software is ready to cover all needs of building managers, whether it be office, retail or industrial space. Get the most out of your purchase by integrating every piece of relevant information into the Microsoft Dynamics property and project management software. Innovative features, user-friendly software and an abundance of management options make it the best choice on the market today.